May 2019 Minutes

Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council


Chairman - Councillor Katy Gibson. 32, Low Road, Manthorpe, NG31 8NQ.

Tel 01476 563958

Clerk - Chris. Morgan, 10 Manchester Way, Grantham NG31 8RR

Tel. 07758762811


Draft Minutes / Notes of the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council Meeting held on 8th May 2019, at the Belton School Room at 7.30pm

Present Cllrs S. Syddall,( Chair) S Thompson, C Thornton, J. Ashford, County Cllr Ray Wotten

In attendance Chris. Morgan (Clerk and Proper Officer). Members of the Public Rona Hallam, Jon Bishop.


1) Chairman’s Remarks. Cllr Syddall opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present, stating that he anticipated an interesting year of challenges, including the issues of the speed limit through Manthorpe village, the Larkfleet development as approved and indeed the current Larkfleet application for more work in the neighboring Parish of Gonerby.


2) Apologies for Absence – Apologies from Cllr Mark Morris, were received and accepted.


3) Declarations of Interest – None


4) Minutes of the last meeting held 21st February 2019 – It was Resolved to adopt the minutes as a true record, proposed by C.T. seconded S.T. and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


5) Parish Council Elections2019: CM informed the meeting an election in this area was not needed as there were more posts than candidates when the nominations closed. So Cllrs Syddall, Morris, Thornton, Thompson and Ashford had been appointed as Councilors, which left two vacancies. The two members of the public, present, Rona Hallam and John Bishop had shown an interest in joining the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council. Resolved- They both fitted the relevant criteria for the vacancies that existed in the Rosedale Ward and were therefore co-opted onto the Council as Councillors, by a unanimous decision of all present.


6) Belton Liaison Comm. Cllr Syddall, updated the meeting on the Belton Liaison Comm. meeting on 7th May 2019. A general discussion, by all present, took place re the meeting/minutes, there were matters in the minutes relating to just Belton village matters, and some matters that were of concern/use to Belton P.C. and only those matters relevant to the P.C. would be discussed at this meeting. The minutes, would be attached to theses minutes/notes and would be placed on the P.C. website by CM, when received from NT - hard copies would be needed for Belton villages who do not have email.


7) Planning applications since the last meeting and Biomass Boiler – There had only been two planning applications that The P.C. had been made aware of since the last meeting. There had been no objections, in principle to these applications, although the P.C. had made comment re the actual plans which were difficult to understand re the application by Belton Garden Centre for a new toilet block. Both the applications referred to had been approved by S.K.D.C. C.T. expressed his disappointment at S.K.D.C. that Belton village had not received the support from S.K.D.C. re the Biomass Boiler application by the National Trust, and that S.K.D.C. had in fact gone against their own guidelines. It was also disappointing that S.K.D.C. had not imposed any restrictions re the application in relation to noise and times of day when the loading of the biomass boiler could take place.


8) Dog Fouling Longcliffe Road. This matter had been remitted from the last meeting, however after a short discussion it was apparent that the area of concern was not within the boundary of the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council. So this was discharged. Cllr Ashford to contact S.K.D.C. with her personal concerns.


9) Speed Limit Manthorpe village – Cllr Ray Wootten updated the meeting on this matter informing them that he had had a positive response from his colleagues at Lincs C.C. highways, and that this matter was not out for consultation, and he was hopeful that the issue would be resolved to the satisfaction of the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council, in the due course of time and the procedure needed to be taken. Cllr Wootten was thanked for his help and support in this matter.


10) Reactive Speed camera. C.T. gave an update on the new post in the Belton Orchard to place the reactive speed camera, and of data that had been received. All the relevant data is available to all the councilors via “Dropbox.” A brief discussion then followed re the Community Speed Watch initiative. C.M. stating that, despite chasing the Road Safety Partnership, he had not received any information re the relevant training and how to progress this matter. Action Cllr Wootten to speak with R.S.P. to try and resolve. CM to contact Ancaster P.C. who had recently purchased equipment and recruited volunteers, to ascertain if this may be appropriate for Belton and Manthorpe to continue with. Discussion also took place re the recruitment of volunteers and the best way to do this. This would be looked at again once further info had been gained by CM. Cllr Wootten also updated the meeting re the expected reduction in Police numbers and PCSO’s in the area


11) Salvation Army – Clothes Recycling – CM spoke to the meeting re an email from the Salvation Army about an offer to provide a Salvation Army Recycling skip on land owned by the Parish Council. A general discussion took place re the email. Resolved – Not appropriate for the Belton and Manthorpe area. Action CM to email back with the decision.


12) Annual Review of Parish Council Policies – A discussion took place, by all present, re all the P.C. policies. Resolved, all the policies are, current, fit for purpose and appropriate

13) Accounts. CM updated the meeting re the accounts and circulated the Income/Expenditure since the last meeting. Movement on the accounts had been minimal, (see below) Resolved Accounts accepted by the members, and approval given to pay 3 outstanding invoices 1) Parish Council Ins. 2) LALC Subs. 3) LALC Annual Training Scheme Action CM to pay the invoices


There has been no unexpected expenditure since the last Meeting, please see below details of income and expenditure since the last meeting.








Treasurers Acc.





Unipart Dorman



Speed Camera





Mem. Simpson


Cllr Thornton



Speed Camera





Wages and Exp





PAYE re clerk


SKDC Precept





Total in Account (7.5.19)





Savings Account
























The Belton and Manthorpe Finance Policy, is part of the “model polices” that have been adopted from LALC and approved by the Council.

As agreed at a previous meeting the Precept for 2019/20 has been submitted to SKDC, with a cost of living increase only. This has now been received £2048.00

14) Correspondence –CM updated the meeting on correspondence received since the last meeting, the vast majority was via email which had been forwarded to the Cllrs, and CM had updated Cllr Thompson personally, as appropriate. 1) An email had been received from British Red Cross offering First Aid learning at no cost to P.C. and vulnerable groups in the P.C. area A First Aid session had been arranged for 29th April 2019 10am -12mid day and would be held in the Old School; Belton. This had been completed and had been attended by 10 local people and had been very well received. Action CM to write to Nick Sainsbury-Bowes N.T. to thank him for the support of the N.T. in providing the accommodation to allow this training to take place. As a result of this training, Cllrs Morris, Thompson, Ashford and Hallam, who had attended, felt that the purchase of a Defibrillator, by the Parish Council, for placing in Manthorpe should be considered. A general discussion took place on this subject, and in principle the P.C. were in favour of this, however there were a number of points that needed to be clarified re the cost, siting and maintenance of such equipment. Cllr Bishop, proposed, that if possible grant aid should be sought for this project with the possibility that any running costs may need to be met by the Parish Council. Resolved this proposal was unanimously agreed. Action CM to look at possible grants available, including the SKDC initiative where their Councilors can make donations to good causes in their area, British Heart Foundation to be contacted, local organisations and Larkfleet also to be considered. It was also discussed at the point the suggestion by Cllr Morris about the setting up of a Facebook page for the Parish Council, to promote such things as this, as well as the volunteer issue re the Community Speed Initiative. Discussion took place by all present, and Resolved Cllr Morris to set up a Facebook page (Closed group?) for the Parish Council, as suggested.

Although there was not an Agenda item “AOB” as the Chair is not in favour of this, as all matters should be on the agenda, to be discussed, on this occasion he was prepared to accept AOB – Cllr Thompson stated that the Street Light near the Coach House, Belton was not working and she would report this (again). Cllr Thompson also asked about the purchase of a gift for the previous Chair (Katy Gibson) to recognize and show the Parish Council’s appreciation for all the commitment and hard work she had completed during her role as Chair. Resolved, suitable gift to be purchased. Action Cllr Thompson and Syddall to purchase and deliver the gift personally to Katy Cllr Thornton also brought up about the danger of, during heavy rain, the road flooding on A607 near the slip road into Belton and the Garden Center. Action CM to report to highways

15) Date and Time of Future Meetings.


Dates of future meetings agreed as:

Wednesday 28th August 2019 Manthorpe Playgroup Hall

Wednesday 27th November 2019 Belton, Old School House at 7.30pm

Wednesday 19th February 2020 Manthorpe Playgroup Hall at 7.30pm

Wednesday 29th May 2020 Belton, Old School House, at 7pm to include the Annual Parish Meeting and the

Annual Parish Council Meeting.