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* 7 December 2023 *

Ash Tree Solar Farm, planning application submitted

Following our consultations with the community, the team has considered all the feedback, plus that provided by our technical consultants. We would like to inform you that we have submitted a planning application to South Kesteven District Council. 

The full application has been validated on the Council’s website, click here  to access the application (Reference number:  S23/2199). We have updated our project website  with a few of the key documents included in our application, making it easier for you to view.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

•   Email us: info@ashtreesolarfarm.co.uk
•   Project website: https://www.ashtreesolarfarm.co.uk/ 
•   Call our freephone line 0800 158 2328 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)

Click here to read the

Ash Tree Solar Farm - Invitation to Public Consultation Event & Brochure

From  Low Carbon

We are getting in touch to introduce our proposals for a new solar farm co-located with battery storage, to be known as Ash Tree Solar Farm, located on land west of High Dike Road, B6403 and north of Londonthorpe. 

Please find the redline boundary attached for your reference.

Ash Tree Solar Farm will be able to generate up to 49.9 Megawatts (MW), producing enough clean energy to power over 16,000 typical homes every year.  In addition to generating significant amounts of clean energy and reducing CO2 emissions, Ash Tree solar farm will have a positive impact on biodiversity and local wildlife by preserving land and creating new habitats.

We are still in the early stages of our proposals and are looking to host a pre-submission public consultation in October.(see poster below)

We will send an information pack, feedback form, and a letter to invite the local community (within an approximately 2km radius) to our public consultation event.

The purpose of the consultation will be to engage with a cross-section of the community so that everyone has the chance to learn about the proposal, ask us any questions, and provide feedback.

Additionally, we will have a free phoneline, a dedicated project website (with an online feedback form) and a project email address, so anyone can get in contact with us and ask us a question / provide their feedback. For those without digital access, we encourage feedback via Freepost address. We are also happy to arrange a meeting with any near residents to the proposal.

Ash tree solar poster