November 2024 DRAFT Minutes
Belton And Manthorpe Parish Council
Chairman - Councilor Adrian Charity, 26, Low Road, Manthorpe. NG31 8NQ
Clerk - Chris. Morgan, 10 Manchester Way, Grantham Ng31 8rr
Tel. 07758762811
Draft Minutes of the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council Meeting held on 19th November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, St John’s Church Manthorpe
Present Cllrs A Charity, (Chair) J Ashford, R Hallam
In attendance Chris. Morgan (Clerk and Proper Officer). Cllr P Martin (LCC), 2 members of public,
Chairman’s Remarks. The Chair, Cllr Charity, welcomed everyone to the meeting, and confirmed that the meeting was quorate. He went on to say that there had been only a small amount of activity in the P.C. around Planning Applications, most of which were not an issue to the P.C. as they related to tree matters. There had been a joint meeting re the Manthorpe Chase Development, which A.C. and C.M. had attended. Others in attendance were representatives from Alison Homes, Great Gonerby Parish Council, S.K.D.C. (Planning and Enforcement) and Cllr P Martin (L.C.C.) L.C.C. Highways had been invited but were not able to send anyone – The Minutes of that meeting had been circulated to interested parties. A.C. thanked the volunteers of the C.S.W. initiative for the work that they were doing and hoped that it would continue. A.C. also commented on the Planning Application refusal as the Ash Tree Solar Farm, which the P.C. were disappointed about, it is not yet known if Low Carbon will appeal the decision.
1) Apologies for Absence – Cllr Simon Syddall, Sally Thompson, Mary Simpson. (Nothing had been received from Cllr Mansel)
2) Declarations of Interest – Nothing declared by anyone, and there were no matters on the agenda where any councilors present had any pecuniary interest to declare.
3) Minutes of the last meeting held 27th August 2024 – It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record, proposed by J.A. seconded by RH and the minutes, were, duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk. – Matters arising – All covered by agenda items.
4) Update re Alison Homes – A.C. gave a verbal update to those present re the recent meeting held re Manthorpe Chase, as stated the minutes of that meeting had been circulated, but A.C. did speak about the routes contractors were taking into the site and that Alison Homes had been trying to stick to the Traffic Management routes but on occasions had been over ruled by the Police and L.C.C. re the Movement Orders issues. Traffic Lights at the junction of A607 and Belton Lane (Manthorpe end) should be installed before the 1st occupation – expected summer 2025. Cllr P.M. did state that the surveys for the other end of Belton Lane (Newark Hill) being done by L.C.C. were almost complete he was hopeful that in the New Year there may be some feed back from L.C.C. re [possible plans. A general discussion followed re the provision of schools on the development, no decisions re this had yet been made
5) Belton Liaison Comm/National Trust –Ian Cooper was not at the meeting and no update had been received.
6) Road Safety Concerns/Speed Watch - CM updated the meeting about the recent commencement of the Community Speed Watch initiative and thanked the volunteers for the work they were putting in. CM had circulated a report prior to the meeting re the provision of a further solar powered, Speed Indicator device. Discussion took place by all present. Proposed by A.C. seconded by J.A. that two devices and 4 solar panels be purchased, one for Manthorpe and one for Belton. RESOLVED – Unanimous decision to purchase 2 devices and 4 lots of solar panels – C.M. to progress.
7) Finance – CM had circulated a paper inc the spreadsheet re the income and expenses since the last meeting. It was unanimously agreed to ratify the relevant payments out (as per the financial report). C.M. had also circulated a Proposed Budget for 2025/26, after discussion this was unanimously agreed this also included the agreement for the Precept for 2025/26 which would be £2,729. RESOLVED Financial report, budget and precept all agreed, proposed by JA seconded by RH – Unanimous decision;
8) Planning Applications since the last meeting – All the planning applications received from SKDC had been circulated, there was nothing contentious, and a lot of the applications had been round tree maintenance. A discussion took place re the refusal of Planning Permission re the Ash Tree Solar Farm (Low Carbon). The P.C. were surprised at the decision, it is not known if Low Carbon will appeal the decision.
9) Any Urgent Business – CM reported that nothing had been notified.
10) There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.35pm
Date and Time of Next Meeting – 7.30 pm 11th February 2025 at the Church Hall St John’s Church Manthorpe.
Signed Chair………………………………………………………Clerk……………………………………………………Date………………………….