February 2025 Minutes

Belton And Manthorpe Parish Council
Chairman - Councilor Adrian Charity, 26, Low Road, Manthorpe. NG31 8NQ
Clerk - Chris. Morgan, 10 Manchester Way, Grantham Ng31 8rr
Tel. 07758762811 
Draft Minutes of the Belton and Manthorpe Parish Council Meeting held on 11th February 2025 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, St John’s Church Manthorpe
Present Cllrs A Charity, (Chair) J Ashford, S Thompson R Mansel S Siddall M Simpson
In attendance Chris. Morgan (Clerk and Proper Officer). Cllr Ian Stokes, (SKDC) Georgina McCrea (Alison Homes) 3 members of public, 
1)Chairman’s Remarks.  The Chair, Cllr Charity, welcomed everyone to the meeting, and confirmed that the meeting was quorate. He was pleased at the turn out for the meeting. He went on to say that there had been only a small amount of activity in the P.C. around Planning Applications, most of which were not an issue to the P.C.  as they related to tree matters.  The P.C. had recently purchased some Solar Panel Speed Indicator Devises that were waiting to be installed. He thanked the Speed Watch volunteers for the role they were undertaking.
2)Apologies for Absence – Cllr R Hallam, County Cllr Paul Martin and National Trust representative Ian Cooper
3)Declarations of Interest – Nothing declared by anyone, and there were no matters on the agenda where any councilors present had any pecuniary interest to declare.
4)Minutes of the last meeting held 19th November 2024 – It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record, proposed by J.A. seconded by AC and the minutes, were, duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk. – Matters arising – All covered by agenda items.
5)Update re Alison Homes – Georgina McCrae gave a verbal update to those present. – From their prospective it had been reasonably quite and the work was progressing as expected. She went on to say that the junction A607 and Belton Lane was to have traffic lights installed the problem was though getting the “road space” from LCC Alison homes did have the 1st trigger that the lights should be installed before any occupancy, they expected the first occupancy could be in June 2025 but LCC were saying that the work to install the traffic lights may well not take place until 2026. This was disappointing for Alison Homes and they were in active discussion with LCC to try and get the Traffic Lights installed asap. Phase 1 – the show home on the right as you enter the site should be ready in June and then the anticipation was that there would be 1 property per week ready. GM was not able to update at all re the junction of Newark Hill/Great Gonerby and LCC are still trying to complete the feasibility study for the work required here. On completion of the 50th occupancy was the trigger for the School, however discussions here were ongoing with LCC, and LCC may have difficulty in obtaining the funding. Utilities onto the site was almost complete the Electricity should be completed this week and the foul water had been done. The footpath onto Rosedale would be completed by the 1st Occupancy. AC mentioned the concerns, from local people, re the flooding and drainage impact on Belton Lane. GM replied by saying that the 1st water pond for the catchment is up and running and appears to be working ok Alison Homes do take over the full site management from next week and will have their own site manager on site who will be reporting regularly to GM. AC also asked about the footpath and that it was impassable in places. Could wood chip or other material be put down to help make sure the footpath was passable. GM to look into this. The Church Car Park was discussed – Alison Homes had now taken posses of this land. The actual maintenance and up keep of the area, once improved by Alison Homes needs to be agreed, and maybe the Church would be in a position to help maintain – further discussions are needed on this GM to come up with some initial proposals. The extension of the Manthorpe P.C. Burial Ground was also briefly discussed Discussion do need to take place re this between Alison Home and the P.C.
6)Ash Tree Solar Farm –A discussion took place by all present, it was disappointing that planning permission had been refused. It was noted that Low Carbon are submitting an appeal, which would be written only, AC reiterated that the P.C. were in favour of this development and would support the appeal, RESOLVED CM to submit a letter to the Planning Appeal.
7)Belton Liaison Comm. Ian Cooper had sent his apologies as he had been called away through work, he had however sent a written report that was read out to the meeting. ST requested that the Belton Liaison Comm should be reinstated as this appeared to have failed. RESOLVED Belton Cllrs ST SS and RM to liaise with Ian Cooper to try and resolve.
8) Grit Bin 5 Gates Lane ST reported to the meeting that David Cross had been very helpful during the recent bad weather and had ensured that the Grit/salt from the bin had been distributed as and when need and also arranged to have the bin restocked. ST asked if the P.C. could write a letter of thanks to Mr. Cross. RESOLVED CM to write to Mr. Cross SS also reported that the tress/hedging at the junction of Main Street and A607 had been trimmed by the LCC and visibility had been greatly improved, at this junction. Those present at the meeting were reminded that anyone reporting Street “Issues” should be encouraged to use LCC web site Fix My Street.
9) Vehicle Parking High Road Manthorpe A general discussion took place re a vehicle parking half on and half the road near No 17 High Rd. This was seen as a real hazard and also prevented members of the public with mobility scooters, push chairs etc. from using the footpath there and so “pushing” them onto the road. The relevant options were fully discussed. RESOLVED Clerk to write to the owner of the vehicle to ask to park in an alternative location. Cllr Hallam had been dealing with this but was not at the meeting having sent apologies due to illness.
10) Finance – CM had circulated a paper inc the spreadsheet re the income and expenses since the last meeting. It was unanimously agreed to ratify the relevant payments out (as per the financial report). RESOLVED - Financial report, and payments all agreed, proposed by JA seconded by SS – Unanimous decision;
11) Speed Indicator Devices CM gave an update on this, additional solar panel Speed Indicator Devices had been purchased, awaiting RSP and LCC to erect new posts so that the SID could be attached to them.
12) Planning Applications Since Last meeting – CM had circulated a paper to all P.C.’s re the planning applications. All quite straight forward and P.C. had not objected to any. It was again noted re the Appeal from Low Carbon – Item 6 above.
13) Any Other Urgent Business -CM updated the meeting on a recent email from County Cllr P Martin relating to the Local Plan and the suggestion that Belton & Manthorpe PC and Great Gonerby P.C. together with Cllr. Martin to meet so that a thorough and joint response could be made re new sites for development in both areas. RESOLVED a meeting to be arranged when the new allocations are released.
Date and Time of Next Meeting – 7.00 pm 13th May 2025 at the Old School House Belton (inc. Annual and Parish Meetings)
                                                     7.30pm 5th August 2025 at the Old School House Belton
                                                     7.30pm 18th November 2025 at The Church Hall, St John’s Church Manthorpe.
Signed    Chair………………………………………………………Clerk……………………………………………………Date………………………….